Friday, February 22, 2013

Yesterday Photos

Bottom land next to Pecos River
  I think people like to see what it's like around where I'm living. So yesterday, after the dogs and I took an abbreviated walk, (wind and snow) I went out again to take more pictures of this beautiful scenery.
My car for comparison in size

Looking down at the Pecos River

another looking down view

Pecos River

Another view of a pic I posted before. It's also on my FB header. No mountains that you can see today.

The snow didn't amount to much, And there's flurries coming down again this morning.Temp 25.9 degrees
After I came back from taking these pics, I discovered Ria had figured out how to open the cabinet door. She ate a whole box of large size dog treats. Stinker!!!
Then she had me up 2 or 3 times last night, she had to go out. I'm tired and cranky today :>(
 I think a nap this afternoon would be good :>)
BTW: I made it so people can now leave comments. I didn't know that you weren't able to till my sis pointed it out. I'm sorry, I like comments


  1. Thanks for sharing all the beautiful photos of your area. It looks so cold compared to Australia. I bet you can't wait until spring....keep the pics and stories coming! James

  2. Hi there!

    I am enjoy your site and pics! I cannot imagine
    when spring/summer/fall arrive what the scenery will be like then. We ALL are anxious for the cold weather to leave us. It's beautiful where you are now. Laura

  3. Looks really awesome there! cant wait to visit!
